Stop Locator

AC Transit - NX3 Schedule

Instructions: Click/Tap to highlight the row & column. Scroll/Swipe left and right for longer schedules.

Monday-Friday - Marlow Dr. & Foothill Way

Salesforce Transit Center - Bay 18 MacArthur Blvd & Pierson St.(Mills College) MacArthur Blvd & Millsbrae Av Foothill Blvd & Eastmont Transit Center Marlow Dr & Foothill Blvd
4:37pm 5:15pm 5:17pm 5:23pm 5:35pm
5:05pm 5:54pm 5:57pm 6:01pm 6:11pm
5:25pm 6:05pm 6:07pm 6:11pm 6:21pm
6:25pm 6:55pm 6:57pm 7:01pm 7:11pm

Monday-Friday - SF Transit Center

Mon,Tue,Thu,Fri - Marlow Dr. & Foothill Way